Town Information
Town Clerk Hours
Tuesday 1 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 1 pm - 5:30 pm
Outside of regular office hours by appointment only.
Call Town Office to schedule - 315.364.5740
Town Contact Information
Gary Mutchler, Town Supervisor, 315-730-3638
Ann Robson, Town Clerk, 315-364-5740
Bill Hall, Highway Superintendent, 315-364-7754
Fax: 315-364-6802
Physical Address: 3705 Route 34, Scipio Center, NY 13147
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 71, Scipio Center, NY 13147

Town Board Meetings
Board meetings are held at the Town of Scipio Office on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
Scipio’s polling site for primaries, local, state and national elections is located at the Scipio Fire Station, 3550 Rt 34, Scipio Center, NY 13147.
Taxes are mailed in early January from the county Treasurer’s office. The Scipio Tax Collector processes payments from January through March.
Post Office
Address: 3354 Rt. 34, Scipio Center, NY 13147
Phone: 315-364-7234
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station and Recycling Center is located at:
Route 34 at Quarry Road (south of Town Office Buildings)
Scipio Center, NY 13147
Hours: Year Round: Saturday 9am to 4pm. Wednesday 5 pm - 8 pm (May thru August) 5 pm - 7 pm (September)
Private Well and Septic Information
The New York State Health Department updated some of its education materials for private wells and septic systems. These materials give people with private wells and septic systems tips for testing and maintenance.
We recommend that a private well owner test their well water once a year for bacteria, and every 3-5 years for other contaminants. Information is included on where to find certified laboratories that can perform testing.
Test Your Well: Protect Your Family's Water
Even the best designed and installed septic system will eventually fail without periodic maintenance. This guide briefly describes septic system components and how they should be maintained.
Septic System Operation and Maintenance