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January 2025 Letter from the Supervisor

Happy New Year Scipio residents,

Most of us received that wonderful envelope on January 2 with our tax notice inside.  I would like to take a few lines to talk about this important notice.


First, our town clerk and tax collector, Ann Robson, is in the office every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 – 5:30 and additionally during January on Saturdays from 9 to noon to receive your payment.  As always you can mail your taxes to Box 71, Scipio Center as well.  This year we are also offering the ability to pay by credit card or ACH.  These payments must be done online by going to  Processing fees will be added in the calculation so the town will receive the full amount as billed.  This year credit card payments and ACH are not being accepted in the town office, while personal checks and cash will.


I also want to explain your tax bill a little bit.  The town tax collector serves as the collecting agent for the town, the county, and the fire district for the first 3 months.  Payments made after March 31 are to be mailed to the Cayuga County Treasurer.


Approximately 72% of your taxes go to the county, 12% to the fire district and only 15% remain in the town.  This amounts to $297,672.  This is only 23% of the town’s total budget. Fifty per cent of our income comes from the county’s distribution of sales tax each quarter, based on land values.  This higher per cent sales tax is because Scipio has more lake front footage than any other town on Owasco Lake. Most towns need to raise 50% of their budget from local taxes. Additionally, 60% of the budget helps maintain the town roads.


On December 23, the town was awarded a $600,000 NYS DEC WQIP grant to replace and expand our deteriorating salt shed this year.  Hopefully construction can begin late this summer.


Our new 10 wheeled snowplow truck will be delivered early this month.  It was ordered in the spring of 2022.  Thankfully, our highway crew have been able to maintain the other trucks until this one finally arrived.


It was noted in December that Cordelio Power was awarded NYSERDA grants for solar installations in both Scipio and Ledyard.  Final contracts are still being negotiated.


While snow fall thus far have been quite minimal, please be reminded that the town has right of way for 25 feet from the center of the road.  Therefore, snow may be needed to be plowed well unto your yard, if necessary, in order to maintain safe road maintenance.


On December 18, a special meeting and public hearing was held to approve the application for a Restore New York Grant.  The Aurora Community Development Group LLC, a debt free New York State corporation, founded by Christopher J. Colloca, DC, PhD, an Oswego native who attended Ithaca College (BS 1990) plans to convert the former Emily Howland Elementary School into a commercial boutique hotel and banquet facility, winery and vineyard.  Projected restoration begins at the end of this year with a grand opening to be held in November 2027.


As you may recall, the town of Scipio has decided to no longer mail semiannual newsletters.  Please reach out to others by encouraging them to read this updated news.  Also, we encourage everyone to sign up for news updates at the bottom of the opening page on the town web site.  As always,  feel free to call me if you have any questions.


Gary Mutchler, Scipio town supervisor, 315-730-3638


3705 State Rt. 34

Scipio Center, NY 13147

Ph: 315-364-5740 | Fax: 315-364-8429

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